What can I do for you?

  • Loss and bereavement

  • Help with Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Resilience Building

  • Personal and professional


  • Listening and understanding what you are going through

  • Accident Trauma

  • Counsellors clinical supervison

  • Sexuality and sexual issues

I Support all of our valuable support workers in all other caring professions, including vets, Veterinary Nurses and Shelter staff. (Two Shelter cat daddy here)

So please, do not feel there is no one to talk to, give me a call, let's see how we can work together to make your role and your life better. 

I Have spent much of my working life in the care profession.

  • Working in Care Homes.

  • Vocational Therapy Support

  • Specialist Mental Health Hospital units. 

  • With MIND (supporting their Recovery Collage and Group support)

  • Durham County Carers Support (counsellor)The last four as a

    volunteering to gain personal insight and experience to help me help others.  

My Current training and work is with LGBTQ+ Issues 

For the last two years I have been training and working Relationally In the LGBTQ+ community with relationship, sexual and personal issues that many people Uniquely face Within the LGBTQ+

Contact Me Here
Lets talk

If you have any questions please contact me here

I will answer as quickly as i can